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2018 AACE Kansas City Section Membership Survey

The Section's Board completed the development of an electronic survey, primarily for current members of the Kansas City Section. This survey was distributed on July 30, 2018 in an e-mail to the membership at the e-mail addresses provided by AACE International to the Kansas City Section. The e-mail contained a weblink to an online service called “Survey Monkey”. There are 40 questions in the survey to better understand membership needs and desires for activities and initiatives. We elected to not track responses from specific e-mail addresses so while it confirms IP addresses to ensure the survey is not taken from the same computer multiple times, there is otherwise anonymity. 

The membership survey officially ended on August 15, 2018. The Board then reviewed and analyzed the electronic membership survey responses. During the period of the survey we had 23 respondents, which is approximately 1/3 of our membership and I was told by others experienced in polling organizations this is a good response percentage! A summary of the results of the survey are attached in the PDF. We did exclude the specific “fill in the blank” answers to Questions 12, 27, and 40 because the answers were specific enough to potentially identify individuals, and we had promised anonymity during the survey.


The Board would like to thank all that took time to respond. The results in some cases confirmed what the Board suspected and in other cases were unexpected. The survey information will be considered as appropriate in planning future Section activities.  

2018 AACE Kansas City Section Membership Survey Results

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